
ZIP password recovery

Early versions of the ZIP 2.x format had their own type of protection, which is vulnerable to plaintext attacks. ZIP archives uses AES, a much stronger type of encryption, for protection (AES is used by the popular WinZip, among others). Passcovery Suite supports all widespread versions of the ZIP format.

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for RAR/WinRAR

Encryption / Version Password to Access
Rar Previously (RAR - RAR 2.x) -
Zip Classic (ZIP 2.0), Standard (stored, deflate, deflate64) C/G*
Classic (ZIP 2.0), Standard (PPMd, WavPack, etc.) -
AES (WinZip 9+), Standard (stored, deflate, deflate64) C/G
AES (WinZip 9+), Standard (PPMd, WavPack, etc.) C/G
*) Classic ZIP encryption can be accelerated with NVIDIA or AMD 5XXX and above GPUs.

ZIP 2.x classic encryption

The classic encryption methods that were used in early compression programs were not especially well implemented. They are not resilient enough to stand up to modern PCs and their powerful video cards.

For these archives, it is possible to “brute force” (another way of saying “guess by trial and error”) several million passwords per second.

What’s more, ZIP 2.x encryption is vulnerable to plaintext attacks – given the right conditions, password-protected archive data can be accessed in just minutes!

WinZIP AES encryption

The new ZIP format has made these archives tougher to crack. Beginning with WinZip 9.x, encryption has used the AES algorithm, with several hundred hash iterations. This has significantly slowed down brute-force attempts and made this format a more secure choice in the eyes of professionals.

Passcovery Suite supports popular versions of the ZIP file format. Lost ZIP passwords are still found in record time, since Passcovery Suite is optimized to make the most of your CPU and GPU (for NVIDIA and AMD video cards).

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